Article voiceover
Dear Readers,
Today I’d like to share a poem I wrote following the discovery of the whale bones I mentioned in my first post, On this island, I am surrounded by the dead.
If you’d like to read more about whales and wonder, head over to
’s Substack and read this gorgeous piece.Have a lovely wednesday.
Rebecca x
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Beautiful, Rebecca!! I really enjoyed reading that. I have a whale poem too. Sadly, I can't share it right now because it is entered in a poetry comp. My latest poem does have a"whale mention," but that's not quite the same thing....
Poems are like whales though, I always feel. A great weight and bulk moving beneath the surface of consciousness - a mass of unseen life - and then when you least expect, it breaches, leaping into view......
Well, this is gorgeous. "A tooth in a landscape of tongues." That phrase/image will stay with me. That and salt and sand and bodies collapsing in on themselves.
Also, I love the rib-shaped structure of this poem.
And also, thank you so much for pointing people to my piece. It's been among my favorites to write recently.